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Conversions is a very common practice in Civil Engineering. Being able to express a unit of measurement from one system to another is a basic knowledge a Civil Engineer must possess. As Engineers, we know a lot of conversion factors by heart. But sometimes we do forget some.
Nowadays, with the power of the internet, converting measurements is a breeze. One of the online conversion sites I use is What I like most about the site is the wide range of  measurements available in the site. The site proveides a comprehensive and systematic conversion pages that are divided into different categories.Conversion categories available in the site are as follows.

* acceleration        * angles         * area
* astronomical       * clothing       * computers and electronics
* cooking              * date/time    * density
* energy               * finance        * flow rate
* force                 * frequency    * fun stuff
* length distance   * light            * mapping
* miscellaneous     * numbers       * object and shapes
* power               * pressure       * speed
* temperature      * torque         * viscosity
* volume             * weight/mass

I am guessing that the "fun stuff" and "miscellaneous" category caught your attention. The fun stuff category page has the following sub-categories under each category.

Fun Stuff

International Friends If you chat or post with friends from different countries, you might find this useful. Basic conversions all in one place, converts things such as height, weight, temperature, and baby size.

Chinese Zodiac Determine which Chinese Zodiac symbol you were born under.

Weight on Other Planets Ever wondered how much you would weigh on Mars? Now is your chance to find out.

Advanced Roman Numerals Converts to and from Roman Numerals and whole numbers.

Retire Date Determine how many day until you can retire.

Pig Latin Translate a name or phrase into Pig Latin.

Häxor Translate to and from English and Häxor.

World Population Estimates the current world population.

Morse Code Convert your name or message into morse code.

Your Age How old you are down to the second, how many seconds old you are, and how long until your next birthday.

BAC Check Calculate your Blood-Alcohol Content.

BMI Calculator Calculate your Body Mass Index.

Day Born Find out what day of the week you were born.

Calories Burned Calculate the number of calories you burn running.

Running Calculate your time, distance covered, or pace.

Driving Distance Find the driving distance between major US cities.

Dog Years How old are you in Dog Years?

Lottery Numbers Want help picking your lottery numbers?

Male Body Calculates a man's ideal body measurements.

Pregnancy Estimates the conception date, birth due date, and current fetal age.

Typing Test Find out how fast you can type with this simple test.

Roman Numerals Converts a numeric year into Roman Numerals.

Download Speed Enter a file size and estimate the download speed with various modems.


Mesh Calculate the mesh, or wire diameter/opening, of a sieve or filter.

Fractions This handy calculator can convert fractions to decimal numbers, and decimal numbers to fractions.

Mixing Water Find out the final temperature of a water, steam, or ice solution after mixing together two or more samples.

Radiation A few calculators and converters on radiation and radioactivity.

Surface Speed of a Wheel Calculate the surface speed of a wheel given the radius and RPM.

Objects and Shapes Calculators for working with objects and shapes. Including volume for 3D objects, and area for 2D shapes.

Frequency to Wavelength Calculate the wavelength of any frequency.

Computers and Electronics Various conversions and calculators related to computers and electronics.

Reel Calculator Several calculators for determining the amount of paper or board, the dimensions, or weight of the reel based on the known factors

Tip Calculator Calculate how much to leave as a tip. Even split the bill between multiple people.

Gauge Various gauge conversions. Wire Gauge, Sheet metal Gauge, and possibly more in the future.

Cholesterol Converter. Convert various cholesterol and glucose units between different standards.

Blood Sugar Converter. Useful for diabetes patients visiting a different country.

Automotive Several automotive conversions and calculators.

Horse Height Convert Hands to inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.

Grade Point Average Calculate your Grade Point Average.

Room Area Area Calculator. Enter the length and width to calculate the area. Useful for rooms, yards, gardens, anything rectangular in shape.

Nails Many different types of American nails. With technical data and qty/pound calculator. Including common, roofing, finishing, and box.

Brix to Baumé Convert to and from Brix degrees and Baume degrees. Used in syrup, wine, juice, malt, and others.

Typography Convert pica and points to inches or centimeters.

Water Weight Convert a volume of water to weight, and vice versa.

Wind Chill Calculate the wind chill factor

Phone Number Converts a alphanumeric phone number to its numeric equivalent

Airport Calculator Find the degrees, Miles, and Kilometers between two airports

Atmosphere A calculator to help with Atmospheric calculations

Armor A Armor Penetration calculator

Circle Solver Calculate circle area, diameter, and circumference

Cosine Calculator Enter the adjacent and hypotenuse angles to find the cosine angle

Expression Solver You can solve mathematical expressions using this calculator

Group Work Calculate how long for two people to complete a task

Lap Time Calculates the average lap time required to finish a race in the time you enter

Leap Year Determine if a year is a leap year.

Percent Take the guess work out of percentages

Prime Easily determine if a number is prime or not.

Meeting Room Size Find the approximate room size you'll need depending on your meeting room setup and the number of attendees.

Roman Numerals Converts a numeric year into Roman Numerals.

Advanced Roman Numerals Converts to and from Roman Numerals and whole numbers.

Field Depth Determine the field depth and amount that will be in focus in a photograph

Quaternions A Euler angle and Quaternion conversion calculator

So there you go guys. Hopefully, you would find this site as usefully as I did.

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