A House in A Box

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Modular houses have been around the market for years. Prefabricated houses have been around for almost decades now. Everything is just dropped from the job of a crane and set in place like icing on a cake. It takes less than half the time of building a regular house. Construction cost is less, labor cost is less, but the mobilization and the modular house itself sometimes comes costly.
Modular houses have been around since 1920's. This modular houses does not only provide instant houses for people but also instant gratification. Why spend 18 months waiting for your dream house to be built when 30 days is all it takes to set-up your dream mansion using this innovative development in engineering?Modular houses nowadays can also be customized. Costs has also decreased by 15%. Architects all over the world who have been affected by the recession has ventured on designing modular houses instead of staying jobless. Some of them find it exciting and fun to do. It's like a real life Lego game.
According to Washington Post, sixty to 90 percent of the most sophisticated modular homes are built on the assembly line, depending on whether buyers choose a stock design or commission something special. Walls can be moved around, but the options are finite. With so much of the construction in a factory, buyers must make almost every decision up front, which saves money. Finish work, from facades to painting to building staircases, is done on-site. "Green" features are a big selling point: Modular walls are precisely cut and are not exposed during construction to the weather, which can cause mold and mildew, industry experts say.

* images below courtesy of www.statewideconstructions.com.au

3 bedroom - 2 bathroom modular house

 perspective view
front view

parking area

* visit www.statewideconstructions.com.au for more modular houses models

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